In The Digital Darkroom; with Ron Lacey.

Week 4.

Westville Mall Before

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Westville Mall After

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Westville Mall:

Adjustment layers with selective layer removal.

The Photo was taken with a Sony Mavica FD91 at 1024x768.

This photo needed a bit more work. I first created a Brightness/contrast layer to lift the background. Unfortunately, when I lifted the background out of the darkness, I found that the colours were incorrect. I created a Colour balance layer and equalised the colours using white, and my memory, as a reference. The settings I have settled on are: Brightness/Contrast Layer, Brightness: 95, Contrast: 71, The Colour Balance Layer: Shadows: 0,0,0, Midtones: -15,12,12, Highlights: -11,24,39. I erased the Brightness/Contrast layer in the area of the sign to reveal the colours, only to find that the Colour Balance layer was adversely affecting the original colours in the sign. I also erased the Colour Balance layer in the area of the sign to produce what you see above.

